Tony Gallo of Sapphire Risk Advisory Group has Partnered with TAP and is currently offering TAP MEMBERS his 2018 “Pawn Safety Manual: First Edition” for a low cost of $150.00!! Regularly priced at $299.00
“The pawn industry has never had a National Pawn Safety Manual until now. This manual includes policies that all employees must follow to support a safe workplace environment for all. A Pawn shop has several responsibilities: to serve the community, to support employees, and to keep customers, employees and anyone else on its premises safe. Having a Safety Program includes steps and commitments that all employees must take to support a safe workplace environment for all. The goal: to eliminate all work-related injuries and illnesses. Sapphire has established a Safety Program to help YOU reach that goal. Our goal is to improve safety in the pawn industry by getting this manual in the hands of pawnbrokers nationwide.”
If you would like to take advantage of this offer please contact Tammi Springett, TAP Managing Director
Regular Price $299
Price will increase to $199 after the Houston Convention, February 24, 2019
Non Member Price $299