Geib Refining Corporation, (pronounced G-eye-b) located in Warwick, Rhode Island USA refines gold, silver, platinum, palladium, rhodium, and iridium from many diversified industrial sources.
Scrap waste streams include materials generated by the jewelry, microelectronics, dental, ceramic, pawnbroker, retail, agricultural, petrochemical, and pharmaceutical industries. We have an excellent reputation for integrity and reliability, supported by many satisfied customers. In addition, we feel strongly about preserving the Good Earth and thus go to great lengths to ensure that all materials are processed within EPA and Rhode Island Department of Environmental Management (DEM) guidelines.
Shipping to us is easy. We can provide you with various size containers as well as coordinate freight pick up. Our company vehicles pick up in the North East and contract carriers handle trans-continental and ocean freight service for us. Large or small, hazardous or non hazardous, Geib can meet all your refining and transportation needs.
Please call for our corporate package which includes our environmental program, financial and trade references, material processing summary, security, and our Certificate of Destruction Program. Or better yet, please come visit our facilities.
For More Information on becoming a Sponsor Please contact Tammi Springett, TAP Managing Director